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Real Performance Stands Ready to Support UK Future Homes Standard

Knauf Energy Solutions

27 Feb 2024

KES Briefing Note sets out a straightforward route for real performance measurement to work with new UK Home Energy Model

Advances in digital technology make real performance measurement of home fabric energy efficiency cost-effective and ready for scale. 


As the UK consults on its upcoming Future Homes Standard, there was an open question whether real performance metrics could easily fit with the new Home Energy Model (HEM) approach.


Our new briefing note, answers that question. It sets out a straightforward route to tie a real performance measurement of the completed home back to the Home Energy Model design target.


An Actual Fabric Energy Efficiency (AFEE) measurement should support the HEM’s Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency (DFEE) space heating metric to show the buyer they got the home performance they paid for.


As the UK transitions towards low carbon heating systems, it is essential homes meet their intended energy efficiency levels in reality and not just in design.


Introducing an ‘AFEE’ at scale will be crucial to helping avoid a national ‘performance gap’ that could undermine future home standard aspirations. 

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